Thursday, 4 October 2012

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Wave 1: Dante and Deadpool

When Doctor Doom and Wesker decide to combine the Capcom and Marvel universes they wake up a huge, and I emphasize huge, threat: Galactus. Now the heroes and villains will clash to save the new Universe. But in this pack however it's a clash between hero and anti-hero.

Packaging is the new expanded window. It allows you to view the two characters along with their respective accessories. On the left and right sides you have control art of the two characters and on the back are the other figures available for MvC Wave 1 along with mini-bios for both Deadpool and Dante.

"To cure his terminal lung cancer, mercenary Wade Wilson attempted to obtain mutant powers artificially. However, the side effects of the procedure disfigures him and also caused psychological damage, resulting in unpredictable behavior and nonsensical monollouges."

I can't believe we have another Deadpool! Although to be frank I'm still on the hunt and desperately needing the original. But for now this will quench my Deadpool Minimate thirst.

So Deadpool is one of the most basic minimates in the entire Marvel vs Capcom series. He uses the normal Minimate body along with a sculpted Deadpool belt and some arm/leg bands, reuses of the Deadpool belts and bands from the Deadpool Corps box set. He has excellent detailing all over and he is very red like Deadpool should be. He has pouches painted on the right side of his body and he has black touches at other point on his body.

He comes with lots of accesories: two silver handguns and two katanas with black hilts, reuses from the Deadpool Corps box set. He has no holsters or sheaths. That was the main drawback to a figure that would have been perfect if DST had thought of putting them in. So he can either hold one gun and one katana or hold a pair of each weapon.

Conclusion: Overall, he's a good figure in all honesty but DST still ignores the fact that Deadpool needs his holsters and sheaths. He needs them DST, NEEDS THEM.

Score: 8/10

"Half-man and half-demon, Dante was born from the legendary devil knight Sparda and his human wife Eva. When he was still young, his mother was killed in a demon attack. To hunt down those responsible, he became a Devul Hunter and opened the shop name 'Devil May Cry.'"

I literally know nothing about this character. Lets face it I'm not into video games too much  and the ones I do play arent as violent as Devil May Cry. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a proper review.

Well thought I don't know anything about this figure besides what his bio on the box said this figure is stunning. Unlike, his partner Dante comes with even more peices. Let's start with the coat. This coat is a new sculpt and it is very very impressive, it has silver chains on the front along with an impressive collar on the back we see some nice straps. Besides the coat Dante's body is still impressive. He has great detailing on the front but not on the sides or back. His arms are painted red to make it look like they're sleeves. He is wearing black gloves and his other arm isn't painted all the way to make it look like it's ripped. He has some painted jeans, boots and a belt which are also quite impressive.

Now for the accessories Dante comes with a rebellion sword and two silver handgun much like Deadpool's. His rebellion sword has a skull on it and has a bone-like hilt. It quite flimsy but is still a good accessory. The main flaw of this figure is: no holsters or sheaths! Yes people just like Deadpool, Dante has no holsters for his guns or a sheath for his rebellion sword. So Dante can hold either two guns or a gun and a sword.

Conclusion: We need our holsters and sheaths!

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